Four Great Holiday Video Ideas for Those Who Create Online Content

Perhaps one of the biggest factors involving the internet these days is the viewing of online videos, and it's an activity that isn't expected to stop thanks in large part to the overall popularity of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Another factor involving this trend is that of digital marketing – more specifically, video marketing involving brands, which tends to be connected to mobile device usage. Because of this, there are many companies who have made the decision to utilize video in order to both identify and connect with their audience, and with the onset of the coming holiday season, this specific medium is also something that is highly expected to be utilized by millions of consumers, especially thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused a vast majority of these consumers to remain at home as a way to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Here are four of the best ideas involving holiday videos that can be utilized by brands.

*Perhaps one of the best ideas involving holiday videos is that of a fun fact video. When it comes to the holidays, there are all sorts of interesting things that can be learned, and this is something that can be taken advantage of thanks to a video that can be created which contains fun facts that your audience is sure to find interesting. For instance, if you run a clothing business, take the time to conduct some research involving specific pieces that will be part of your upcoming holiday collection, as this will not only assist you with promoting your brand, but it will also inform your audience just how knowledgeable you are in regards to the products that you have available.

*Another great idea involving holiday videos is a holiday prank video, which consists of both planning and executing a fun prank for your company and filming it; however, at the same time, you will need to ensure that the prank itself is done as tastefully and harmlessly as possible so that everyone involved will have fun rather than being hurt or embarrassed in any way. Take the time to get a group of people together in order to plan everything out and come up with a great idea that you know everyone would enjoy watching.

*One other idea that can be utilized for holiday videos is a holiday greeting video, which involves creating a video that will make all of your customers feel great during the holiday season. As part of this kind of video, you will want to consider including a thoughtful message, which is designed to express your sincere appreciation for the customers who are continuing to support both you and your brand.

*Another great holiday video idea to consider utilizing is a year-end recap video. This is a type of video that is generally designed to recap all of the highlights from your brand's biggest moments of the year. In this kind of video, you can share highlights such as awards, news, and other types of huge milestones, all of which are used to help create excitement for the coming year.