Three Kinds of Videos to Produce During COVID-19

Thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a vast majority of marketers are facing a multitude of challenges, such as attempting to figure out how to actually market during these trying times. The best first step to take to help with this is to compose an actual plan, which should include video; however, it can sometimes be difficult to determine exactly which types of videos should be produced during this pandemic.

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Four Great Holiday Video Ideas for Those Who Create Online Content

Perhaps one of the biggest factors involving the internet these days is the viewing of online videos, and it's an activity that isn't expected to stop thanks in large part to the overall popularity of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Another factor involving this trend is that of digital marketing – more specifically, video marketing involving brands, which tends to be connected to mobile device usage.

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Three Tips to Help Produce Video Content While Social Distancing

With many communicators and business leaders alike being forced to comply with various types of social distancing guidelines as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this leaves them with the challenge of composing entirely new forms of content that is able to deliver messaging that is both effective and engaging…

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Three Successful Pre-Production Tips for Creating Successful Video Content

When it comes to being an experienced digital marketer, these are professionals who truly know that video is extremely important in terms of content. Regardless of what type of platform the video ends up getting posted on, it's always worth noting that consumers love video. This is especially the case with emails as well, as statistics show that emails end up getting opened approximately 7% more when the word “video” is included in the subject line.

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Three Important Video Marketing Tips for Nonprofits

Perhaps one of the best types of marketing available these days in terms of engaging audiences and promoting various messages involves video. In fact, current research indicates that approximately 90% of individuals end up making decisions based on videos, while approximately 92% of viewers who use various mobile platforms end up sharing videos with others.

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How Video Production is Being Changed by Drones

Throughout the past five to six years, one factor that has become popular in terms of filmmaking is that of the use of drones. This is considered to be an extremely valuable piece of equipment for videographers worldwide, which is no real surprise considering all of the amazing images, angles, and views that are able to be captured.

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Obtaining High-End Results Using 3D Animation

When it comes to both 3D character animation and 3D logo animation, hiring an experienced professional animator to create either of these options for your videos will always be the best option to consider. These types of companies will always produce perhaps the most aesthetic designs and amazing quality animations every single time.

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Four Tips for Hiring a Video Production Company

When it comes to hiring a video production company, chances are you may not have much of an idea regarding what to expect, as well as what exactly to prepare for and how much you should pay for what all you want to have done. Thankfully, there are all sorts of options that you can make note of in order to ensure that you are getting the best service possible when deciding exactly who you should hire for all of your video production needs.

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Team Echo
The Process of Video Production

Pre-Production involves all of the different planning and coordination with a video; Production involves capturing all of the different elements that will be included in the final product; Post-Production involves editing every element together and combining them in order to create the final video itself.

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Team Echo
What You Can Expect By Hiring a Video Marketing Agency

There are also a few important things to consider when it comes to vetting any and all potential candidates. Oftentimes, many companies will look to hire a video production house in order to have their content created; however, there's a major difference between working with a production company and a marketing agency.

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Chase Spivey
Three Ways to Make Your Marketing Video Go Viral

Even though going viral isn't easy to do and it essentially boils down to sheer luck, there are a few useful tips that you can make note of to help with increasing the chances of getting your marketing video to go viral, which can result in millions of new eyes viewing your brand.

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Chase Spivey